An Agent-Based Architecture for Digital Libraries

An Agent-Based Architecture for Digital Libraries

William P. Birmingham
The University of Michigan
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
School of Information Science and Library Studies
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

D-Lib Magazine, July 1995

  • Introduction
  • Agents
  • What the architecture provides
  • The Conspectus and the conspectus language
  • Status and summary
  • Acknowlegements
  • References

  • Introduction

    One of the most exciting promises of digital libraries is access to a great variety of information and services that transcend what is available today through on-line services, such as the World-Wide Web (WWW). A library is more than just stacks of materials on shelves; it is also highly trained people that provide valuable services. These services include such things as organization and cataloging, research, notification of new publications, and so forth. Indeed, one of the greatest assets of libraries are these high-valued services. The WWW, while it probably contains more information than any single traditional library, is arguably not as useful as a traditional library because it lacks these services (particularly organization and sophisticated search support). No one is dismantling their libraries because of the WWW yet. The University of Michigan Digital Library Project (UMDL) [1,2] believes that a successful digital library needs to provide both access to a wide variety of valuable content and services.

    Because the range of both content and services that are possible for a digital library are potentially large (we cannot even imagine what will be available or needed in the future), there will be no single, complete digital-library solution. Rather, we expect that as editing tools become better and access to networks becomes easier and cheaper, there will be millions of content suppliers; "everyman" can become a vanity press on the information superhighway. We believe that the days of centralized suppliers of information (e.g., large publishing houses and traditional libraries) are numbered, and that the traditional notion of a "collection" will span multiple databases, each residing in a different place in cyberspace.

    Furthermore, the creativity of users of digital libraries will spawn thousands of different, specialized services (e.g., notification and translation, even special collections of information). Perhaps most importantly, methods of organizing information will transcend a single "digital library," in that it is unlikely that a single indexing or naming scheme (e.g., the Dewey Decimal System) will be used across the multiplicity of digital libraries that are sure to emerge. Thus, we must create flexible software architectures that can federate as many content suppliers, information-organizational schemes, and service providers as possible, and yet scale to the extremely large size needed to support the digital libraries of the future.

    Considering this view of digital libraries, we have developed some guidelines and objectives for our system. First, the guidelines:

    Broadly speaking, the objectives of the architecture are to provide services that fall under the following categories:

    Furthermore, we require that the architecture have the following properties:


    The architecture is based on the notion of a software agent. An agent represents an element of the digital library (collection or service), and is a highly encapsulated piece of software that has the following special properties:

    Autonomy is critical to scaling UMDL to a large size because autonomy implies local or decentralized control. As a result, we do not have to update some "master" program everytime a new agent is added to UMDL. The effects of adding or removing an agent are propagated locally using a set of protocols. Thus, there is no need for global coordination among all agents [4]. The notion of decentralized control of autonomous agents is similar to the way our economy works. Each of us is similar to an agent in that the decision about how money is spent is done individually. These spending decisions do not require communication across the entire economy (e.g., when ones buy a car, she do not need to tell the whole country or even the car manufacturer, just the car dealer), nor does one need to get permission from a central authority. Similarly, UMDL agents can make decisions and form teams at a local level, without requiring interaction with all agents in the system or with a central authority.

    Negotiation is complementary to autonomy, in that autonomous agents must be capable of making binding commitments for the system to work. Thus, when agents negotiate and strike a deal (i.e., something of value is exchanged for something else of value), the agents are bound to fulfill that deal. It is possible, and even likely, that some deals will allow agents to back out. This "feature", however, must be explicitly negotiated in our system.

    The UMDL is populated by three classes of agents:

    Figure 1: UMDL agent types

    As the architecture is developed, the broad classes of agents depicted in Figure 1 will be continually refined; specialized agents will be added to the system as needed (the modularity property). For example, we can create user interfaces that are customized to a particular class of users, rather than to a particular collection or access mechanism (e.g., Boolean search over controlled vocabulary). In addition, the ability to team agents (as described in the next section, "What the architecture provides") dynamically creates new services with new agents, which is especially important since we anticipate the agent population will be constantly changing.

    What the architecture provides

    From a user's perspective, the types of high-level support that make a digital library worth using, such as searching, will be performed by a team of agents. For example, consider Figure 2, where a user (through the UIA) is searching for all articles by "Joan Q. Publique". Assuming that all agents have registered with the registry agent, the UIA contacts a query planner by first requesting the registry for a query planner that knows about author searching. The query planner then goes to the registry to get the addresses of a name authority (meta data that gives variations of Joan Q. Publique) and a name index (a partial listing of collections that contain works sorted by author). The planner then interrogates the authority, and then the index, finally determining the address of a particular collection. The collection is then accessed by the UIA using a protocol specific to the CIA.

    It is easy to image how this process can be extended for different types of search by adding new types of agents (e.g., subject indexes and new kinds of query planners). The teaming methods gives the architecture a dynamic planning ability[5] that is critical for finding the best way to perform some service, as well as easily incorporate new types of search methods. There is, however, a cost.

    This cost is coordinating the agents, which includes communication and negotiation of which negotiation may prove the more expensive. Communicating among agents certainly takes more time than would be required by a monolithic system. We believe, however, that improved network technology will ameliorate these costs, making them insignificant. The major overhead may come from negotiation.

    Recall that agents are autonomous and cannot be coerced into responding to a request for service. What is not shown in Figure 2 is interaction with facilitators. It is possible that the UIA-query planner, query planner-name authority, query planner-name index, and UIA-CIA interactions will all require some type of negotiation (we assume that registration is "free"). Striking deals among all these agents could require significant time and computation resource. This overhead, however, can be minimized by prearranged deals among agents. For example, a UIA could buy a token that specifies certain access privileges for a cartel of CIAs; similar arrangements can be made among other agents.

    Figure 2: Example search by author

    We separate the activities of agents UMDL into two types: that used to organize agents to perform the team building (called architectural), and that used to perform the actual task (called task), such as actually querying a database. Strictly separating these activities allows us to reduce the commitments that an agent must make to operate in our system (i.e., a CIA is not required to support all query languages used in UMDL, only those it chooses to support.). Thus, we require only that agents use a language, called the conspectus language, designed to support architectural activities (see the next section, "The Conspectus and the conspectus language"); the decision to support any particular task language is left up to individual agents.

    The distinction between architecture and task has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include minimal standards, and therefore increased flexibility in creating agents. Furthermore, the agents themselves are smaller, and therefore easier to build and maintain. A disadvantage is that not all agents will have access to all other agents. For example, if a CIA supports only Z39.50, but a UIA uses some other language X (and no mediator exists that can translate X to Z39.50), then that UIA cannot access the CIA. We see, however, no practical solution to this problem at this time.

    Since it is impossible to create an architecture that has everything, we prefer flexibility over guaranteed interoperability among all agents. Task languages that will undoubtedly evolve over time, as we learn more about digital libraries. By being neutral on which languages are supported, we avoid having to rewrite significant portions of our software as the languages change.

    The Conspectus and the conspectus language

    The space of information in UMDL is potentially enormous, as is the possibility of bringing the system to its knees with rogue query processes. To limit queries to potentially applicable CIAs, we reason about the contents of each collection to derive an estimate of their likely usefulness. This leads us to a two-level partition of the information space:

    The conspectus is an abstracted description of the aggregate of collections populating the UMDL. Additionally, the conspectus is a normalized description of content. This is important, as various collections will have different methods for describing the same thing (e.g., title as TI or TL). To help normalize terms, we are using a variety of thesauri developed by various researchers around the world.

    The conspectus is written in a language that we have defined (the UMDL conspectus language, UCL). Although we retain complete control over the UCL, the actual conspectus expressed in UCL will be specified by the separate collections. Our aim is that UCL (and its associated resources, such as various thesauri and cataloging systems) provide sufficient structure for developing compatible representations of collections. Thus, the conspectus provides interoperability for various search and retrieval methods through a common representation over collections.

    Since the conspectus will be large both in scope and in size, it will be distributed and hierarchically organized. We expect to create special mediator agents whose sole responsibility is to maintain the integrity of the conspectus.

    Agents communicate using patterns of messages, where the content of the message is specified by UCL and sets of performatives describing the purpose of the communication (e.g., to ASK or TELL something) [6]. The messages transmitted between the agents describe capabilities, services, and other primitives. For example, all agents use the ASK performative to make requests to the registry for notification about classes of agents with certain capabilities. The registry agent continues sending information about these agents, as they come on-line, until the UNASK performative is received.

    Another example performative set is TELL, which is typically used in response to an ASK. The registry agent uses TELL to send the names of agents that correspond to some capability specification. The registry agent uses the UNTELL performative to express that an agent is no longer available, or that its capabilities have changed.

    Protocols specify communication patterns among agents. In order to participate in UMDL, an agent must use our protocols. Since these protocols are minimally restrictive in how a task is accomplished, we believe they are not a significant impediment to the development of agents by third parties. Standardizing the protocols, but not the task languages, strikes a balance between flexibility and ease of integration into the UMDL environment.

    The agent-identification protocol (used by both the CIA and query planner in the example depicted in Figure 2) provides a way for agents to locate other agents with specific capabilities (Figure 3). The requesting agent (R) uses the ASK performative to describe the specific capabilities to the registry agent. The registry agent executes a lookup operation to match the specifications to the agents it knows about. Any matches are sent to the requesting agent via the TELL performative. The ASK performative implies a standing request for information about agents, so that the registry agent continues to send R information about other agents as they advertise their capabilities. When R receives information about an agent (A) from the registry agent, it has the option of storing that information in its local knowledge base for future use.

    If R no longer wants to receive information about an agent, then it uses the UNASK performative to communicate this desire to the registry agent. Upon receipt of the UNASK performative, the registry agent stops sending information to R. If A is no longer available, or has a change in capabilities, then the registry agent sends the UNTELL performative to all agents who received a TELL performative about A. Thus, the registry agent must keep track of the agents to which it sent the TELL performative.

    Figure 3: Agent-identification protocol.

    The performative and protocol features of the UMDL architecture are general enough to accommodate a variety of actions within the library. As illustrated here, the same protocol can be used by several different agents to achieve their objectives. We expect that once we have established a basic set of protocols, including those for negotiations about intellectual property, they will become relative stable even though the variety of information and services in the library will grow enormously. In fact, the stability of these protocols is the foundation for growth of the system.

    Status and summary

    The UMDL is operational, and can be accessed through . The current system has about 50 CIAs and basic search support. We expect to have subscription, notification, and known-item search running by the end of the calendar year. Two task languages are supported: Z39.50 and FTL (a locally created query language).

    The current system demonstrates that the agent architecture approach outlined in this article is viable, and paves the way for more interesting experiments with scaling both the total number of agents as well as the types of services and collections available. It is interesting to note that the architecture was able to handle the addition of new services (new collections and a notification service) without modifications to existing agents and protocols, thus demonstrating properties of scaleability, extensibility, and modularity.


    The members of the UMDL architecture group contributed many of ideas presented here. In particular, Fritz Freiheit provided helpful suggestions to drafts of this paper.

    The UMDL project is funded under a joint initiative of NSF/ARPA/NASA; we are grateful for their financial support, and their enthusiasm for the initiative. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author only, and do not necessarily represent the views of the funding agencies (nor of the UMDL project).


    1. Birmingham, W. P., K. M. Drabenstott, C. O. Frost, et al. (1994). The University of Michigan Digital Library: This is not your father's library. Digital Libraries '94, College Station, TX.
    2. Birmingham, W. P., E. H. Durfee, T. Mullen, et al. (1995). The distributed agent architecture of the University of Michigan Digital Library. AAAI Spring Symposium on Information Gathering from Heterogeneous, Distributed Environments, Stanford, CA, AAAI Press.
    3. D'Ambrosio, J. and W. P. Birmingham (1995). Preference-directed design. AI in Engineering, Design, Analysis, and Manufacture . To appear.
    4. Darr, T. P., and W. P. Birmingham (1994). Automated design for concurrent engineering. IEEE Expert 9(5): 35-42.
    5. Durfee, E. H. and T. A. Montgomery (1991). Coordination as distributed search in a hierarchical behavior space. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Special Issue on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, 21(6):1363-1378.
    6. Finin, T., R. Fritzon, D. McKay, et al. (1994). KQML as an agent communication language. Third International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, ACM Press.
    7. Mullen, T., and M. P. Wellman (1995). A simple computational market for network information services. First International Conference on Multi-agent Systems, San Francisco, CA.
    8. Wiederhold, G. (1992). Mediators in the architecture of future information systems. Computer 26(3): 38-49.
    Copyright © 1995 William P. Birmingham
